Rob and Marci were meant to be together. They just were. Rob was the star basketball player. He was athletic and smart and funny.
Marci was shy and reserved. She liked her books and became a safe place for Rob where he could hide away from the troubles of life. A picnic in the park, a ride to the beach.
For three years, it seemed like the two were inseparable. They partied together, explored together, ate together and travelled together.
But as life's calling egged them onto a different stage in life, they found themselves trying to become more established.
It was at that point that Rob and Marci started to drift apart. Their life goals and search for meaning and more, caused them to go their separate ways. Throughout the years, they both thought about each other, but once that season is over, it seems no matter how much something is forced, it is like destiny himself is battling to keep the two away.
Their life would drift into each others without even knowing it. Rob would be at a coffee shop in Miami, after a cruise docked. Marci would be parked right next door getting her suits pressed for the morning meeting.
Marci would go visit her parents and pick something up from the grociery store and Rob would be in the next eisle over.
Yet, the two never ran into each other.
Both had become widely successful, gotten married, had two kids and gotten divorced.
It just seemed life would never grant them what they discovered so early on. Too bad, they did not even know what they had.
Old hurts would cause a little fizzle to die out, when they did reach out to each other. Its the toxicity of leaving once or scarring once the embeds the doubt that can never be overcome. Some people do it. They leave, then come back only to find the same issues and challenges and leave again, deeping the wound. So the two would never be together.
They ended up reasonably happy and found someone to settle with. Not quite the same passion, desire, connection. But a learned love that was just as deep and companionship for the lives they chose to lead.
<SI> Scott Izu, PhD
Copyright September 2019
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